Nutrition and Food Chemistry 2018: Obesity in obstetrics- Mircea Onofriescu- University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr.T. Popa" Iasi
Nutrition and Food Chemistry 2018: Smart food policies for promoting healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents- Sima Hamadeh- Haigazian University
Nutrition and Food Chemistry 2018: CogniXtra preventive treatment affords neuroprotection against amyloid beta 25-35 peptideinduced toxicity in mice- Francois J Roman- Amylgen
Childhood Obesity and Nutrition 2018: Assessment of eating habits and physical activity among Spanish adolescents; The cooking and active leisure, TAS program- Elena Roura- Alicia Foundation
Childhood Obesity and Nutrition 2018: Analysis and evaluation of meals served in state registered private childcare settings- Beverly M Copeland- Prairie View A&M University