44 2033180199

Lived experience of the terminally ill individuals

Florance Jeyanthy Sevamalai*

This qualitative study was done to explore into the lives of terminally ill individuals and how it affected them physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually. A total of six participants were selected for this study via purposive and snowball sampling. A qualitative method was used through interviews with six terminally ill individuals. Participants were allowed to express their own experiences after being diagnosed. Thematic analysis was employed and five main themes were identified which were pain, fear, challenges, coping strategies and purpose and hope. The terminally ill individuals have a great will to move on in life. They find ways and means to fight the challenges in life and find purposes to live. This study shows that terminally ill individuals want to live their lives purposefully and probably face challenges as it comes. Counselors can benefit from this as they can help them find their purpose in life.

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