44 2033180199

Idiopathic Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head

Massimo Piracci

The case report we present concerns a 65-year-old male patient with idiopathic osteonecrosis of the left femoral head. After repeated cycles without the significant success of physiotherapy treatments, due to the worsening of the painful symptoms in the left coxo-femoral site with increasing functional limitation, it was decided to proceed with decompression surgery of the femoral head using a cannulated biological screw which due to its intrinsic structural characteristics, allowed the simultaneous application in the neck and femoral head of PRP growth factors prepared at the time of surgery. The clinical picture surprisingly regressed in a very short time with a complete functional recovery in the absence of significant pain. The MRI examination performed before the treatment in place, compared with a similar examination after 5 months, shows sub-total remission of the signal affecting the trabecular structure of the cephalic portion of the femur in line with the clinical picture just reported.

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