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Holistic Healing- A Current Need of Holistic Medicine

Shrihari TG

Holistic healing is the whole person healing, human body works. Human body has an excellent capacity to heal by itself, Holistic healing yields better results without any adverse effects and inexpensive, has a preventive, therapeutic, promotive and palliative role in treatment of various diseases. One of the holistic methods of healing is by using endorphins. Rather than considering the human body, if we consider the human body as many parts to treat any disease with a reductionist chemical drug, which has many adverse drug reactions, expensive with increase in mortality and morbidity.
Irrespective of any reductionist chemical drug intake goes to the liver for detoxification and the remaining amount of drug, which comes out from liver after detoxification causes various adverse effects known as first pass metabolism. During this period liver enzymes are increased to the certain level. Medicinal herbs, fruits, vegetables has a very good medicinal effects, consists of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin- A, C and E, Vitamin D, minerals, which boosts our immune system by activating innate and adaptive immune cells and anti- Inflammatory role by decreasing Inflammatory mediators such as free radicals such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α). They have preventive, promotive, therapeutic, palliative effects, beneficial, and friendly to the human body without adverse effects.
Quantum healing is akin to self-healing or auto healing, a type of holistic healing. Inside and outside of the human body consists of energy, our positive thoughts with a genuine intension to heal by production of endorphins. Consciousness is fundamental and all matters as derived from consciousness. Most of all diseases start in mind. Mind has a blueprint of the human body. Each time when the matter is oscillates between energy and matter, human body tries to rebuild on its own. The concept of aduality states that matter can be converted into energy and energy can be converted into matter proposed by Nobel laureate Hans Peter Durr. Endorphins are neuropeptide’s endogenous opioids synthesized and stored in the pituitary gland in response to stress from hypothalamus. These are of three types beta-endorphins, dynorphins and enkephalins binds with mu, delta and kappa receptors located on peripheral and central nervous system. Beta-endorphins are more abundant type of endorphins synthesized and stored in the anterior pituitary gland. , Inflammatory is the basis for all diseases from infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Meditation, yoga, pranic healing, chi therapy, pranayama creates positive energy as a capacity to heal diseases by producing endorphins.
Stress buster activity by decreasing sympathetic nervous system activity of (Autonomic nervous system) ANS reduce cortisol and norepinephrine, induced Inflammatory mediators (such as IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α). In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), beta- endorphins binds to mu opioid receptors results in decreasing substance-p, neurotransmitter of pain results in analgesic activity. In the (Central nervous system) CNS, beta- endorphins binds to mu opioid receptors, results in inhibiting (Gama amino butyric acid) GABA neuroinhibitory transmitter and activation of dopamine neurotransmitter results in analgesic, euphoric, self- reward and cognitive development. The gut microbiota consists of symbiotic microorganisms such as viruses, fungi, protozoa to maintain normal homeostasis of the human body. There are 100 trillion germs present acts as a military system of the human body by activating immune system by production of cytokines such as IL-2, IL-12, mucosal integrity, anti- Inflammatory activity by production of cytokines such as IL-10 and IL-18.
Short chain fatty acids also involved in detoxification of metabolic toxins produced after metabolism of dietary fibers. Activation of enzyme glutathione-s-transferase involved in detoxification. Dysbiosis results in various diseases like infectious diseases, cancer, autoimmune, psychological, cardiovascular diseases. Maintaining normal gut microbiota by probiotics provides a holistic, preventive, promotive and therapeutic approach for many diseases.

Holistic healing is necessary for current medicine, because using reductionist chemical drug for treating human disease have many Holistic healing is necessary for current medicine, because using reductionist chemical drug for treating human disease have many adverse drug effects with increasing morbidity and mortality. Holistic healing is not only helpful for therapeutic purpose but also useful for preventive, promotive and palliative human health care. 

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