44 2033180199

Access control system design and implementation using open source personality identification software

Stuard Sem

The most important feature of any door locker security system is the ability to verify the identification of everyone entering via that door. Instead of surveillance equipment that need passwords or pin codes, biometric traits such as distinctive characteristics in people's faces and voice signals can be used to authenticate them. These traits are difficult to modify, copy, or steal. To achieve high accuracy, double biometrics, which include facial recognition and speech recognition algorithms, can be used concurrently to increase security. This system is designed to prevent theft in high-security facilities such as the house house, bank, and other locations by detecting strangers and securing door lockers. This system is tested in a Windows environment before being modified to a Unix environment when running on the Raspberry Pi 3 platform using Python. Raspberry Pi electronic board is a single-board computer that runs on battery power and has wireless internet connectivity through USB modem. It also has connections for a camera, microphone, LED, and a 12 volt door lock. When a person steps in front of the door, the Raspberry Pi's camera and microphone are used to validate the individual's facial image and voice signal to decide if they are legitimate or imposters. The system will unlock the door after the individual has been authenticated. Otherwise, it will sound an alert and snap a photo of the impostor, which it will then email to the authorised person. 

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